
Fallout shelter legendary weapons color
Fallout shelter legendary weapons color

fallout shelter legendary weapons color

There is an other quest line that gives Sara Lyons, an other legendary dweller (legendary aren’t the best but they can help early game, i just like to collect them anyway)

fallout shelter legendary weapons color

But at the end you also get a quest clue that unlocks one of the 5 hidden quests, and those give the best loot you could ever possibly get in a quest, (lunchbox + pet + mr handy + legendary weapons or outfits) In “horsemen of the post apocalypse”, you can get the best possible quest gear (death jacket +4P+4E+4A+4L), you also get Three dog a legendary dweller, but the quest is 18 part, probably the longest quest line in the game.

Fallout shelter legendary weapons color